• The conference is structured around four themes. Each theme will house two workshops, which gives a total of eight workshops.
  • Each workshop will consist of two half daylong sessions of four hours each, amounting to a total of eight hours.
  • Conference participants will be able to register with preference and participate in two workshops – one a)-workshop, and one b)-workshop.
  • Conclusions from the workshops will be documented and fed forward to the UNESCO World Education Forum in Korea, May 2015, where the post-2015 education agenda will be discussed.
  • A rapporteur will be appointed in each workshop group. He or she will make a short presentation of the main outcomes of the workshop during the concluding session on 29 April, including proposals to be forwarded to the UNESCO World Education Forum.
  • Click on the links below to read more about each of the different workshops.

The workshops are:

Theme 1: Sustainability and Change

Theme 2: Learning, Technology and Globalization

Theme 3: Rights, Equality and Gender

Theme 4: Quality